- Aida Veber
- Adrian Laza
- Andrei Nica
- Anton Mazarianu
- Cătălin Roca
- Claudiu Găman
- Cristina Mihaela Cernat
- Cristina Păvăluță
- Dan Constantin
- Dorel Niță
- Gelu Muraru
- Gheorghe Luca
- Maria Bârsan
- Ovidiu Gârbea
- Robert Paruschi
- Iulian Acardi Trofin
- Liliana Ropotică
- Silviu Bogdan Corfa
- Sorina Bulai
- Ștefan Crăciun
- Tudor Sălăvăstru

Aida Veber
Position in the club: Member
Treasurer 2021-2022
Profession: Legal adviser
Current job: Branch Manager- Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
Motto: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”
e-mail: aida_veber@yahoo.com phone: +4.0726.041.810

Adrian Laza
Position in the club: Member
Vice president 2011 – 2012, President 2016 – 2017
Profession: Forestry Professional, Owner, Line of business: Woodworking
I enjoy translating my skills and passions into relevant social causes to change lives in our community.
e-mail: adrianlaza@yahoo.com phone: +4.0744.804.808

Andrei Nica
Position in the club: Member
Profession: Lawyer
Motto: “Travel more, smile more!”
e-mail: av.andreinica@yahoo.com phone: +4.746.777.919

Anton Măzărianu
Position in the club: Member
Profession: Economist
“In life everything can be achived if really want it.”
e-mail: antonelpn@yahoo.com phone: +4.744.117.676

Cătălin Roca
Position in the club: Member
Profession: Economist
Currently, i am the General Manager of a 4 star hotel located in Piatra Neamt. It is my deep belief that now is the perfect time to give and together with my Rotarian fellows to find ways to better serve our community.
e-mail: catalin.roca@centralplazahotel.ro phone: +4.0743.555.948

Claudiu Găman
Position in the club: Member
Profession: Engineer, economist
Current job: Business Owner SC CLG CONSULTING SRL
e-mail: gaman_claudiu@yahoo.com phone: +4.0747.262.347

Cristina Mihaela Cernat
Position in the club: Member
Profession: Economist
Current job: Relationship Manager at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
e-mail: cmcernat@yahoo.com phone: +4.0737.233.399

Cristina Păvăluță
Position in the club: Member
Profession: Economist
e-mail: cristininel_67@yahoo.com phone: +4.0727.227.197

Dan Vasile Constantin
Position in the club: Charter Member
President 2007 -2008,
Profession: Engineer, business management,
e-mail: dvconstantin@yahoo.com phone: +4.0722.315.100

Dorel Niță
Position in the club: Member, treasurer 2013 -2014, President (Elected) 2018 – 2019
Profession: Chemical engineer; co-owner and administrator of chemical company (paints and lacquers).
I am an open-minded person, empathic, romantic with a free spirit and a great love for beauty and culture.
My motto: “In life you need challenges in order to grow up.”
e-mail: dorel@vestelinindustry.ro phone: +4.0722.293.565

Gelu Muraru
Position in the club: Member
Profession: commerce, catering
I’m considering myself to be an in my field. Catering it is a very challenging job and gives me the opportunity to work with different people from different fields.
e-mail: muraru.gelu@yahoo.com phone: +4.0751.034.077

Gheorghe Luca
Position in the club: Charter Member
Past-President 2011 – 2012, Treasurer 2016 – 2017
Profession: Business Administrator – Wood industry
I own the company LUCANIN COM SRL. I build wood houses and I have as hobbies, football, beekeeping and wood productions.
My motto: All are my friends!
e-mail: gigiluca2005@yahoo.com phone: +4.0744.572.708

Maria Bârsan
Position in the club: Member
Profession: Psiholog
e-mail: mary_tryfea@yahoo.com phone: +4.0747..451.312

Ovidiu Gârbea
Position in the club: Member
Profession: Forestry engineer
e-mail: ovi_garbea@yahoo.com phone: +4.0742.048.596

Robert Paruschi
Position in the club: Member
President (Elected) 2017 – 2018, Secretary 2016 – 2017
Profession: forestry engineer
Due to my profession I had the opportunity to meet great people and to see wonderful places. Being a Rotarian gave me the privilege to be part of an especially group of keen, interesting, good listeners and empathic people.
Motto: Having a clear conscience means having a bad memory. I have no spare time and I am not a mad person: every minute I enjoy my madness.
e-mail: robertparuschi@yahoo.com phone: +4.0769.618.888

Iulian Acardi Trofin
Position in the club: Member
Responsible with International Affairs, Treasurer 2011 -2012
Profession: musician
I believe in harmony and harmonization.
e-mail: iuliantrofinn@yahoo.com phone: +4.0769.618.888

Liliana Ropotică
Position in the club: Member
Profession: Expert Accoutant
e-mail: ioanaropotica@gmail.com phone: +4.0733.029.096

Silviu Bogdan Corfa
Position in the club: Member
Secretary 2017 – 2018
Profession: economist, owner, line of business: textile industry, digital printing
“Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you. Remember, life is an echo. It always gets back to you. So give goodness.”
e-mail: silviu.b.corfa@gmail.com phone: +4.0722.350.271

Sorina Bulai
Position in the club: Member
Secretary 2022-2023
Profession: Economist
Current job: administrator Romanian Stock Exchange S.A. (administration of financial markets)
e-mail: d.sorina@yahoo.com phone: +4.0722.455.461

Ștefan Crăciun
Position in the club: Member
Treasurer 2022-2023
Current job: Corporate Head Office Expert Unicredit Bank
Motto: ”Excellence is not a skill, but an attitude”
e-mail: craciun.stefan80@gmail.com phone: +4.0787.880.733

Tudor Sălăvăstru
Position in the club: Member
Profession: MD obstetrics and gynecology
As a doctor I help only sick people… as a member of Rotary club I am trying to help the entire community.
Motto: Do what is RIGHT, no what is easy.
e-mail: clujnapoca2006@yahoo.com phone: +4.0744.615.765