Proiectul comun al clubului nostru cu Rotary Club Thamel

Proiectul comun al clubului nostru cu Rotary Club Thamel, Nepal se apropie de final. Constructia scolii in care vor invata aproximativ 400 de elevi va fi gata la sfarsitul acestei luni. Suntem mandri ca am putut sa fim parte din acest proiect international de mare anvergura. Multumim inca o data sponsorilor nostri care au facut posibil acest proiect si felicitari colegilor rotarieni pentru sprijin si implicare! Mai jos mesajul Past President RC Thamel, Krishna Mandahar.

“Dear Adrian,
Namaste! from Nepal.
We are happy to
inform you that our common project is near completion.
Now we are planning to complete
by the end of this month June so that the school can shift
the classrooms to the new building.
I attach some pictures taken
about nine days back. one of the pictures shows start of the
first floor walls construction. Other pictures show the
visit of the District 3292 Nepal Bhutan ERRRP team to the
Further we plan to have a
ceremony with our international partners in service sometime
in November/ December this year. After some delay, we are
near the completion of a two storey six class room
We will let you know further
about the ceremony with all international
My Best Regards.
Krishna Rotary Club of Thamel,

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