Am primit cu bucurie vesti de la partenerii nostri din RC Thamel – Nepal cu privire la progresul inregistrat de lucrarile de constructii a scolii din Nepal .Acest proiect a fost sustinut financiar inca de anul trecut de RC Piatra Neamt 2005 .
Mai mult, Presedintele Clubului – Rtn. Adrian Laza – aflat in prezent intr-o temerara tentativa de escaladare a Everestului are
oportunitatea de a evalua personal stadiul acestor lucrari , respectiv de a se reintalni cu prietenii nostri nepalezi .
Redam mai jos mail-ul primit de la Presedintele RC Thamel :
“Dear Adrian,
Warm greetings from Kathmandu!
You may already be in Nepal for your climbing expedition.
Hope this note finds you in good health and spirits.
I am pleased to inform you that the school construction has reached roof concreting of the ground floor,
which was completed on March 25.
I attach some photographs.
Please do visit us at your convenience, if you are in Nepal.
Best Wishes!
Krishna C. Manandhar
President 2016/17 RC Thamel”