Donatiile Rotary Club Piatra Neamt 2005 si ale altor cluburi rotary din lume; Rotary Club KL Metro Malaysia si Rotary Club of Singapore catre Rotary Club Thamel, Nepal s-au concretizat intr-un proiect de constructie a unei scoli pentru copiii care provin din familii cu venituri mici din Kathmandu.
Suntem mandri ca facem parte din marea familie Rotary si ca putem schimba in bine viata semenilor nostri din celalalt capat al lumii.
Multumim inca o data sponsorilor nostri care au facut posibil acest proiect si felicitari colegilor rotarieni pentru sprijin si implicare!
Mai jos mesajul presedintelui RC Thamel:
“Dear Adrian,
We are glad to inform you that your last Euro 3,700 contribution has helped to close our funding for the school project and start construction.
We will be constructing 6 room Primary Wing of Shanti Sikchhya Mandir school in Kathmandu near Thamel. The school is a government supported community school, where all students come from lowest income group.I would like to provide the following information;
1. The school and the club signed on October 4 a MOU defining the responsibilities for implementation of the school project.. Octogenarian founder of the school, and currently Chairman of the school management committee, Mr. Laxmi Das and the Club President, Krishna C. Manandhar (KC) signed the MOU
2. The foundation stone was jointly laid by the school management committee chair and the RC Thamel President on October 4, the same the presence of school teachers and the club members.
3. RC Thamel has constituted a School project implementation committee consisting of 6 past presidents of the club.and exoffcio member President. The school also has formed a 3 member school construction committee
4. Preliminary drawings and layout completed, detail design ongoing, approvals from government will be sought in parallel with the construction, which will take full speed within a week or so. I also attach a profile of the school reconstruction project
5. I also attach some photographs of the foundation laying ceremony.
We are very much obliged for your kind commitment and support for this school project. We intend to update you regularly on the project.
Regarding the past program, I will be sending you a separate mail with the report.
Thanking you again for the kind support.”
Krishna C. Manandhar
President 2016/17
RC Thamel